- 海外就職に関して真剣にご相談してくる人
- ブログに対してご感想をくださる人
- ディスってくる人
- 起業に関して色々聞いてくる人
- 恋愛アドバイスをくださる人
- 本の感想etc
What are the 12 questions Mari asked Nobita and how does he answer??(´∵`)??
- 1. 年収を教えて下さい
- 2. 起業したことを後悔してない?
- 3. 起業してから変わったことは?
- 4. いつもどこで働いていますか?
- 5. ブログ成功の鍵は?
- 6. 元カノとは今でも連絡を取っているんですか?
- 7. 元カノのことはもう忘れたんですか?復縁はありえますか?
- 8. ズバリいま彼女はいますか?
- 9. 趣味はなんですか?
- 10. 自分をどんな性格だと思いますか?
- 11. YouTubeはこれからも続けてくれるんですか?
- 12. これからの目標はなんですか?
1. 年収どれくらいか聞いていいですか?ぶっちゃけ食っていけてます?

- 「お前やっていけてんの?」
- 「収入あるの?」etc

2. 起業したことを後悔してませんか?

Absolutely not. Starting up my own business is one of my best decisions I’ve made.
You must wonder, “Why does Nobita use English suddenly? What’s going on?? (・ ・?)”
This is because Mari who asked me questions is a Canadian (born and raised in Canada.) and I think she is more comfortable with English than Japanese.
Since this article is for her, I’m gonna use English occasionally.
If you are not comfortable with English, please skip the section written in English.
Even thought my income isn’t really much and I probably work more than I used to be a company employee, I am much happier now!
Of course, I was scary a lot back then. As a Japanese, self-employed can be risky (※It’s becoming more common in Japan though).
I thought I should keep working at a regular company forever, if I want safe life-long employment.
So, I was really really terrified and had no idea what’s going on. If I become a self-employed, there was a very large possibility I would crash and burn in a miserably damaging way.
But, I made a vow to myself ,“Never let any fear get in the way of doing something I love.”
I’ve been repeating this mantra to myself over and over again all the time.
And guess what happened.

I am doing very well now!
As time progressed, I got better feeling and confident, and thankful to be a self-employed.
Nothing I expected happened.(ex. no income, becoming homeless, etc)
This is because of the people who support me. Especially, my family. I can’t too be thankful to their advice and encouragement.
Of course, where I am now is the direct result from my hard work, and perseverance. I’ve worked so hard.
But, they taught me I don’t need to change myself and have always reminded me of my strength to make money.
Everything I have and everything I am now are thanks to my family.
3. 起業してから変わったことは?

Just do it!
4. いつもどこで働いていますか?

I work in my home, cafe, library, share office, pretty much everywhere.
Since I became a self-employed, I don’t have to stay in one particular place.
Changing workplace frequently keeps me fresh, motivated and focused the mind.
Sometimes, I go to Tokyo to meet my clients (※my most clients live in Tokyo) or to talk with my mentor.
5. 1人で働いていて大変だと感じることは何ですか?

Actually, a lot!
In general, I like working alone. I don’t like to spend too much time with someone, because I’m kind of shy-guy and not talkative person at all.
I was so excited to start working full-time from my home.
But, sometimes working alone makes me crazy, and it’s so hard to keep motivated.
I think some people definitely have more productive and more focused with someone, rather than alone.
Here are the things I am struggling now;
1. Loneliness
This is something you have to deal with it.
If I spend my time all day in home and working non-stop, I start to forget how to interact with people in real life and get lonely a lot.
It really surprised me. Because I thought I like working alone. I don’t really like working with someone.
But, I’ve noticed that coworkers (even annoying coworkers) are better than nothing.
2. Your bills will go up
Most people who work at a regular company don’t even think about this.
But if you’re working at home all day, you use electricity every time you flip on the lights or use the AC. You use water every time you flush the toilet.
I noticed significant increase(for me) in electricity bill once I started working from home. It makes me sad…
3. It can be incredibly rewarding or can make you hate yourself
Working from home, you get the feeling on top of the world and the feeling like you are in dark the hell.
When I work a lot, I feel incredibly rewarding more than I used to work at a regular company.
But, when I don’t, I horribly hate and embarrass myself how lazy I am!(TдT)
But, overall, I like working alone. It has given me entire control which makes me comfortable.
I wouldn’t change it unless I can’t work as a self-employed.
If you want to know how to stay motivated when you work alone, I highly recommend the below article I’ve just written recently.
6. ブログ成功の鍵は?

Blogging is hard work and painful more than you imagine.
Before you start blogging, ask yourself, “This is really what I want to do? This is something I can enjoy truly?”
If the answer is no, don’t even try.
7. 元カノとは今でも連絡を取っているんですか?

Mind your own business,Mari(´ε`;). Who cares?
(I’m sure nobody is interested in this question. That’s why I wrote this section in English. Please skip ,except for Mari.)
I didn’t want to contact her anymore, because I thought it’s gonna remind me of my sadness and depression.
But, once in a while, we text each other about our jobs.
She gives me some advice and shows some interesting YouTube vedios.
She is one of my mentors and kind of a person who can’t ignore immature person.(ダメな男は放っておけないタイプ)
8. 元カノのことはもう忘れたんですか?復縁はありえますか?

Mind your own business,Mari(´ε`;). Who cares?
(I’m sure nobody is interested in this question. That’s why I wrote this section in English. Please skip ,except for Mari.)
I don’t think we would get back again. Even if I’m willing to, she wouldn’t accept.
We did a Long-distance relationship before. We found that it was really suck and painful!
And, we have both come to one conclusion.
There is no way for us to deal with Long-distance relationship anymore.
She is very passionate about her job and willing to build her career in Canada. She loves to live in Canada.
Unfortunately, I can’t leave Japan (,because of many many reasons.)
If one of us gives up and sacrifices something important, becoming couple again wouldn’t happen.
But, I’m not depressed about it. We’re quiet comfortable as a friend now.
We’re not gonna get back again, but she’s gonna be my best friend from now on.
9. いま彼女はいるんですか?

Mind your own business,Mari(´ε`;). Who cares?
(I’m sure nobody is interested in this question. That’s why I wrote this section in English. Please skip ,except for Mari.)
I wish I had. I’m already 28. I feel a little bit embarrassed and lonely.
But, recently I’ve noticed being single is not bad at all.
Here are some benefits I’ve found of being single.
1. Time for yourself
Once you have lover, you can’t have freedom to some extent. Spending time with your partner is kind of a duty. Sometime, it might be stressful.
If you are a single, however, your spending habits do not affect anyone else.
You can go anywhere any time. You can take dance classes. Whatever you want to do, you can!
2. Get to Know Yourself
This is something I’ve just notice.
Being single gives you the chance to discover who you truly are. (What are your likes and dislikes? How do you live your life?etc)
There is a plenty of time to learn yourself, which is really good for you.
As a single man, you need to handle things on your own.
3. New things (hobby, relationship, etc)
You can try something new. You have time to think about what you want in your life.
There might be the chances that you can find many fun things and be happier than you used to be.
To be honest, I used to be the guy like, “I desperately want girlfriend!”.
But, not anymore.
If I could marry with someone, it would be great. But, if it doesn’t happen, I would be OK.
Now, I’m pretty satisfied with my life with no girlfriend.
If you want to know more about the advantages of being single, I highly recommend the below vedio.
10. 趣味はなんですか?

I like running, walking, swimming, yoga, blogging, cooking, watching American YouTube.
I don’t want to have expensive hobby, such as traveling, drinking, karaoke, golf, etc.
That’s because I’m not really comfortable spending much money for only myself.
11. 自分をどんな性格だと思いますか?

I used to be called “Cool Guy”(“冷奴” in Japanese) when I was a child.
It’s not because I was a good-looking guy or smart, but because I love Tofu (,especially served cold with beer).
(It’s called “awkward” or “weird” in English.)
12. YouTubeはこれからも続けてくれますか?

I don’t know. Probably. Maybe. possibly…
Actually, I don’t wanna continue any more, because nobody interests and I feel kind of embarrassment.
But, my ex-girlfriend forced me to keep YouTube.
She thinks I am still devastating since we broke up, and she is pretty anxious about it.
-「I am totally fine! I already got over!」
-「I can’t believe it. You must be so sad and crying every night, huh?」
-「Are you kidding me? It’s definitely not like that!!」
-「Then prove it!」
I’m keeping YouTube, because I want to prove to her I’m OK now.
I am such a idiot…
There is no duty to follow her order,of course. But I still feel she is my boss…
13. これからの目標は何ですか?

う〜ん、何でしょうね? 今まであまり考えたことがありませんでしたわ。
英語と日本語が入り混じった訳の分からない記事になりましたが(_ _;)、もし最後まで読んでくださったとしたら誠にありがとうございます。
(Which language do you prefer? Japanese or English? Don’t worrry, I used to live in Canada before.I can deal with English, as well as Japanese.)
(Many Japanese people have trouble of English. I guess they skipped the English parts.)
マリさんがのび太ブログのファンだと言ってくださって本当に嬉しかったです \(^o^)/ヤッター!